Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Real Threat to Human Life: Climate Change Alarmism

Washington, D.C, August 14, 2009—In an article on climate policy recently published in the journal Energy and Environment, Dr. Keith Lockitch, a fellow with the Ayn Rand Center, addresses a crucial issue ignored by climate change policy makers: the danger most global warming "remedies" pose to industrial civilization and human life.

Lockitch comments, “Climate alarmists are trying to make people hysterical over the possibility of large-scale changes to the earth’s climate, which they claim will be a 'planetary emergency.' But they ignore the fact that our susceptibility to climate-related threats depends on a lot more than what’s happening in the atmosphere. In particular, it depends on our political and economic conditions.

“Industrial development under capitalism has actually made us safer from climate-related risks than ever before in human history; it is freedom and industrialization that keep us safe from natural disasters. So even if large-scale climate changes were to occur—whether man-made or not—the worst thing we could possibly do would be to adopt green policies that attack freedom and industrial development."

Dr. Lockitch has a PhD in physics from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and is a fellow at the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights. His writings have appeared in publications such as the Washington Times, the Orange County Register and the San Francisco Chronicle.

For more information on Objectivism’s unique point of view, go to ARC’s Web site. The Ayn Rand Center promotes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

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