Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Canada's Federal Debt Clock

This is going to be a deciding factor when we decide on an energy strategy in the near future.
Take a look.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Only Idiots Listen to these “Leaders” From Canada Free Press

Ban Ki-moon, Al Gore, Barack Obama,

Only Idiots Listen to these “Leaders”

By Alan Caruba Monday, October 19, 2009

Not long ago U.N. Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, told everyone they only had a few weeks in order to save the Earth from “climate change” and this week it’s the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Gordon Brown.

Ever since he was Vice President and a defeated candidate for the presidency, Al Gore has been telling people the Earth is doomed.

President Obama talks about climate change—remember when it used to be global warming?—and will no doubt sign the treaty coming out of a “climate” conference in Copenhagen in December. The real problem will be whether the Senate will ratify it because, if it does, the U.S. Constitution will be nullified in favor of a global government.

Ever since the first United Nations conference on “global warming” the only goal has been to establish a global government so that the “leaders” could grow wealthy while the rest of mankind is treated like cattle.

Why would anyone believe anything as preposterous as the claims being made regarding global warming or climate change?

Consider what happens when climate and natural events occur? If it’s a drought, people have to flee to find sources of water. If it’s a flood, people have to flee to avoid being drowned. If it’s a hurricane, they often have to evacuate and, even if they don’t, their homes can be flattened by the winds. Anybody remember Hurricane Katrina?

If a lightning strike sets off a forest fire, people have to get away from it. If a blizzard hits a city or a rural area, people have to wait for the roads to be cleared. If a mudslide occurs, those in its path get killed.

For the past ten years the Sun has moved into a cycle in which it is virtually free of sunspots; magnetic storms on its surface. In that time, the Earth has been cooling and in October, early autumn, parts of this nation and other places around the world are getting snow. Overall, the temperatures are falling and breaking records that have existed for a century or more.

Why then is a climate change conference based on claims of “global warming” even being held? Answer: Because it has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with the destruction of the right of local people exercising local control over their lives through elections.

The further away from the source of government, the less control people have. This was the reason the U.S. Constitution cedes most governing power to the States and puts limits on federal power. Those limits have been steadily eroded since the middle of the last century.

Imagine, now, decisions being made about your life, your choices, by unelected bureaucrats in some far-off place, completely protected from public opinion.

A YouTube video of Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to British PM Margaret Thatcher, addressing a recent event at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, has gone “viral” as people share it with friends, family, and colleagues.

In his speech, he says of the Copenhagen climate change treaty that “a world government is going to be created. The word ‘government’ actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, ‘climate debt’ because we’ve been burning CO2 and the haven’t”

“How many of you think that the word ‘election’ or ‘democracy’ or ‘vote’ or ‘ballot’ occurs anywhere in the 200 pages of that treaty? Quite right, it doesn’t appear once.”

“And the trouble is this; if that treaty is signed, your Constitution says that it takes precedence over your Constitution and you can’t resign from that treaty unless you get agreement from all the other state parties—and because you’ll be the biggest paying country, they’re not going to let you out of it.”

“They are about to impose a communist world government on the world.”

Who do you trust? Ban Ki-moon? Gordon Brown whom most of the British will replace at their next election? Tony Blair, a former British PM who wants to be the next president of the European Union? Former President Bill Clinton? His former Vice President, Al Gore? President Barack Hussein Obama? The many CEOs of corporations who want a piece of the climate change pie? The financial markets that want to trade in “carbon credits” instead of equities backed up by something of actual value?

Or none of them because they all will be running the new world government, because they have all been lying about climate change for years, because they don’t care about the United States, the United Kingdom, or any of the other free nations that will be subject to the great gray army of bureaucrats who will kneel before them.

Only idiots listen to and believe these “leaders”!

Only idiots listen to and believe these “leaders”!

They are the same kind of “leaders” that, in the last century, dragged Europe into war twice, destroying its economies and destroying its cities and peoples. Ditto for the Empire of Japan during WW2.

They are the same kind of “leaders” that foisted communism on Russia in 1917 until in 1991 it finally failed of its own dead weight.

These are the same present-day “leaders” who think they can “negotiate” with crazy Islamic fanatics who can’t wait to get their hands on nuclear weapons.

Who cleaned up the mess those former leaders left behind in World War II? Americans. Whose dollar is being destroyed by a President that has foisted more debt on the nation in nine months than all previous presidents combined? Americans.

Whose lives, dreams, and hopes are going to be destroyed by the present administration and Congress rushing to “reform” the nation’s healthcare system, the best in the world, and to enact a huge energy tax via cap-and-trade? Americans.

Who will send U.S. representatives to Copenhagen and who will sign that horrid treaty?

It has the putrid odor of treason.

Editor’s Note: Want to read the UN Climate Change treaty?http://www.globalclimatescam.com/documents/un-fccc-copenhagen-2009.pdf

Alan Caruba Most recent columns

Alan has a daily blog called Warning Signs. His latest book is Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy.

Alan can be reached at acaruba@aol.comOlder articles by Alan Caruba

Five Technologies That Could Change Everything

This is an interesting collection of "Pie in the Sky" technology that requires too much retooling to be successful.

Canadians can think in a much more practical way about energy. We want to protect the sovereignty of our North and build a strong economy - The logical answer is to harness our northern rivers and produce hydrogen gas!!
The lack of potential for cheaply producing hydrogen in the USA will lead to very expensive, inefficient technology like those outlined in this NY Times article.

Harper's inconvenient truth

The prime minister knows cap-and-trade is wrong for Canada and bad for Canadians. He should say it
Read more.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kyoto Protocol Dead, Says NPR

Future Unlikely For Kyoto Climate Treaty
The landmark Kyoto climate treaty, a global warming pact negotiated 12 years ago, is unlikely to live on after its 2012 end date.

During climate talks in Bangkok last week it became apparent that after the treaty's initial term ends, a new treaty will almost certainly take its place.
Diplomats from the U.S. and 15 other major economies will meet on Sunday in London to talk about a new global warming agreement. Read more.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Next best thing to Hydrogen: Natural Gas

Natural Gas Changes the Energy Map

Vast amounts of the clean-burning fossil fuel have been discovered in shale deposits, setting off a gas rush. But how it will affect our energy use is still uncertain. Read More.

Government fails credibility test on climate change

The truth is that politicians are driven by opinion polls showing people think burning coal and gas might bring global warming. Those concerns have created political opportunities, including a carbon tax that will raise vast new sums to buy votes. Australia again.

Republican rejects "Man Made" Global Warming

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) -- Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell said Saturday he believes the globe is warming but wouldn't fix blame on manmade carbon emissions as its cause.

McDonnell said after a veterans rally with Sen. John McCain that he remains firmly opposed to energy reform legislation intended to slow global warming by reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

Read more.

Think eHealth was bad?

Beware of Dalton and George on 'green' energy

Everything that went wrong with eHealth can just as easily go wrong with Premier Dalton McGuinty's similarly half-baked plan to make us a "renewable" energy giant. Read Lorrie's column.

Friday, October 16, 2009

CBC - Global Warming Doomsday Called Off

This CBC video clearly debunks man made global warming theory - It is a few years old, but well worth watching again. See it here.

The Second Battle of Copenhagen by Patrick Buchanan

A second and more serious battle of Copenhagen is shaping up, in mid-December, when a world conference gathers to impose limits on greenhouse gases to stop "global warming." Primary purpose: Rope in the Americans who refused to submit to the Kyoto Protocols that Al Gore brought home in the Clinton era. Read more.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dennis Miller Interviews Phelim McAleer

This is a good interview that underlines the difficulty of keeping the "Global Warming" believers honest.

More here.

Liberal Evironment Policy is Wrong Headed

The problem I have with Liberal policy on the environment is that it supports “pie in the sky” solutions that are very expensive and reduce the quality of life for the majority of the population. Wind farms and solar power are inefficient, ugly and require a retool of all our existing technology.

I would support a political party that would develop Canada’s greatest asset – its virtually unlimited potential for hydro electric generation. We have the largest volume of flowing water in the world in our north. If we were able to harness even a small percentage of this clean reusable energy to produce a portable fuel like hydrogen, we would be self-sufficient and virtually pollution free.

A proactive hydrogen policy would adapt to existing technology, would populate and enrich our north and make Canada the “OPEC” of clean fuel production.

Now this would be world leadership!!

Lorrie Goldstein: Kyoto questions will dog Ignatieff

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said this week he wants to make the environment a major issue in the next federal election.

Fair enough. Here are some questions for him to answer.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Tim Blair

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 11:10am

“It has finally happened,” writes Marc Morano. “We have reached the ‘tipping point.’ 2009 can now be officially declared the year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears.” The great tipping continues at the Daily Mail, which previously ran poley bear propaganda:

They cling precariously to the top of what is left of the ice floe, their fragile grip the perfect symbol of the tragedy of global warming.

A perfect symbol of the hype and dishonesty of global warming, yes.

The Real Threat to Human Life: Climate Change Alarmism

Washington, D.C, August 14, 2009—In an article on climate policy recently published in the journal Energy and Environment, Dr. Keith Lockitch, a fellow with the Ayn Rand Center, addresses a crucial issue ignored by climate change policy makers: the danger most global warming "remedies" pose to industrial civilization and human life.

Lockitch comments, “Climate alarmists are trying to make people hysterical over the possibility of large-scale changes to the earth’s climate, which they claim will be a 'planetary emergency.' But they ignore the fact that our susceptibility to climate-related threats depends on a lot more than what’s happening in the atmosphere. In particular, it depends on our political and economic conditions.

“Industrial development under capitalism has actually made us safer from climate-related risks than ever before in human history; it is freedom and industrialization that keep us safe from natural disasters. So even if large-scale climate changes were to occur—whether man-made or not—the worst thing we could possibly do would be to adopt green policies that attack freedom and industrial development."

Dr. Lockitch has a PhD in physics from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and is a fellow at the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights. His writings have appeared in publications such as the Washington Times, the Orange County Register and the San Francisco Chronicle.

For more information on Objectivism’s unique point of view, go to ARC’s Web site. The Ayn Rand Center promotes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

Greens against green energy

Environmentalists claim, with ever-increasing hysteria, that our consumption of carbon-based energy in pursuit of prosperity and economic growth is altering the earth’s climate. Human survival, they insist, requires the immediate abandonment of fossil fuels, which provide more than 80 percent of the world’s energy, in favor of carbon-free sources. Read more.

Power plant opponents pack OMB hearing

Power Plants are difficult to build in populated areas like Oakville.

The first decision made by the chair of an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing, which could decide whether a 900-megawatt gas-fired power plant comes to Oakville, was to move the proceedings to a larger venue.

Lord Monckton on Global Warming

Lord Monckton on Global Warming – Well worth taking an hour and listening closely.

“Whatever happened to Global Warming?”

The BBC asks: “Whatever happened to Global Warming?” after noticing that despite the heat in the media, global temperatures have not risen in 11 years. Read here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry.

Thomas Paine

Not Evil Just Wrong

Al Gore and David Suzuki don't want you to see this documentary - But human jobs are more important.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Ontario's iron-fisted energy model

Politics and emotion play a strong role in the development of energy policy. Terence Corcoran reports on G20 summit commitments.

Hydro Electric Production in Ontario

The production of Hydrogen from new Hydro Electric facilities would require a new agency or better yet a private consortium that would control its own production, The production facilities would operate in a similar manner to oil refineries in the oil and gas industry. Hydrogen would be produced by optimised off grid power that would have little in common with Ontario Power Generation.

Grits blind to north-south divide

The northern Ontario economy is dependent on the pulp and paper industry today and is subject to the ups and downs of a narrow band of products. Christina Blizzard observes the way the Provincial Government is ignoring northern issues. Note that the Northern Ontario is already producing a surplus of electricity.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Dominion Frontier Project

Canada is a land of great abundance and opportunity. Most of her land mass is sparsely populated, (a result of the escalating “cost of living” the farther one moves north) with the gigantic Nunavut Territory holding far less than half the population of Brantford Ontario. The bulk of the Canadian population lives in a temperate zone that bears no relation to the climatic extremes of the immense regions of the north. It is the unawareness of the nature of the country that shrouds the mighty potential that will transform the future.

What of the future? What will be the salient feature of the next twenty years? I suggest that it will be a time of ever increasing anxiety and retrenchment in the First World, with almost all of our societal assumptions under attack. Our individual freedom will be restricted by a deluge of arbitrary good intentions; don’t promote hatred, don’t drink and drive, don’t pollute, and above all don’t offend anyone. The concept of human rights will be debased by special interests that reject the Magna Charta and The US Declaration of Independence by substituting skewed notions like the “right” to a job, the “right” to healthcare and the “right” of cultural equality. In effect we will have lost confidence in the Western philosophy that was the foundation of our success.

Yet, as the historian Thomas Macaulay observed: “Nothing is so galling to a people not broken in from the birth as a paternal, or, in other words, a meddling government, a government which tells them what to read, and say, and eat, and drink and wear.” I am confident that a rebellion against the Nanny State is inevitable and sound rational philosophy will once again be our guiding light.

I only mention the above trend to illustrate the impediments that we must overcome in order to secure our future. It really is just a question of confidence in our civilization and how we prioritize the value of our species. The plan that I advocate will harness existing technology, is economically sustainable, and will free indigenous people, while enriching and securing the entire population.

The answer lies in the north, or more precisely in the great rivers that flow into the James and Hudson Bays. This area has the distinction of the greatest volume of water flow in the world. It is exceptionally remote and virtually untouched by modern society. Once the energy potential of this region is harvested we will solve our energy requirements for the next two hundred and fifty years.

Back in the 1970’s Hydro Quebec built the template for successful hydro-electric production in the North. Their James Bay complex has produced an abundance of reliable electric power and despite the best efforts of detractors it has been a resounding success.

The crucial drawback to the project is its remoteness from the markets it seeks to serve; it is by definition very inefficient. The line-loss over the distances to populated areas is massive and the power is subject to interruption due to single points of failure. Hydro Quebec is producing the wrong product!

Solution: Hydrogen Fuel

The only product that will make economic sense for these remote power stations is hydrogen fuel. With 100% of the electricity used locally to produce a portable fuel like hydrogen the financial side becomes viable. The production of hydrogen would be predictable and reliable and inexhaustible. Over time this would lead to price stability as enough production comes online.

This vision would rival the Apollo Project in its scope and would return benefits to North American society out of all proportion. I am opening a movement to promote the “Dominion Frontier Project” for humanity. We can make the north an entity as powerful as OPEC without the political baggage.

I will be asking for submissions on how to overcome the myriad issues that will arise and will maintain a website to share ideas.

Issues to be covered would include:

1) Respect and benefit for the indigenise population.

2) Political Champions.

3) Technology updates – i.e. tank and pipeline containment, cars, heating etc.

4) Rolling out of infrastructure – concentric deployment of hydrogen fuel.

5) Financial investment – what incentives would drive development?

6) Environmental concerns and benefits: reduced pollution etc.

7) Defeating naysayer’s arguments.

By the end of 2010 I hope to be able to have enough material to make a comprehensive case and a book.

Please make your contributions with a eye toward tangibility and adaptability to today’s capabilities.

And remember: “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” Galileo Galilei

Christopher J. Burton