Thursday, October 15, 2009

Liberal Evironment Policy is Wrong Headed

The problem I have with Liberal policy on the environment is that it supports “pie in the sky” solutions that are very expensive and reduce the quality of life for the majority of the population. Wind farms and solar power are inefficient, ugly and require a retool of all our existing technology.

I would support a political party that would develop Canada’s greatest asset – its virtually unlimited potential for hydro electric generation. We have the largest volume of flowing water in the world in our north. If we were able to harness even a small percentage of this clean reusable energy to produce a portable fuel like hydrogen, we would be self-sufficient and virtually pollution free.

A proactive hydrogen policy would adapt to existing technology, would populate and enrich our north and make Canada the “OPEC” of clean fuel production.

Now this would be world leadership!!

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